Thu, 22 January 2009
I was inspired to do an inauguration theme for this show mostly due to the monumentally historic event that occurred earlier this week. However, I was also inspired in small part by another inauguration podcast I had just listened to from This American Life. As usual that episode was superbly done and a great one to get you started if you have never heard the show before. After listening to a few of them there is a very good chance you will get hooked on it like I have been for the last 6 months.
For my inauguration show I’ve got some great politically themed live music in store for you. For those familiar with the Live Music Blog you might recognize the music from their podcast episode 62, which I helped put together. After a long and excellent run the Live Music Blog is currently on an indefinite hiatus so I wanted to repost the music from that show and this week seemed like a good opportunity for that. So please sit back and enjoy my 2009 Inauguration Compilation. Song listing